City Hall, First Floor
500 Castro Street
Mountain View, CA 94041
(650) 903-6313
Swimming Pool Installation
For Single-Family Homes and Duplexes
A permit is required to install, remodel or modify an in-ground swimming pool or spa, which must be obtained prior to the start the project. The following must be submitted:
- One 11" x 17" plan set digitally stamped and signed by a licensed engineer, designer/architect, or homeowner responsible for preparing the plans. Plans must be legible and include a site plan of the new pool location or modifications, including distance to all property lines from the swimming pool and from any associated pool equipment. Site plan must also include any distance from nearest overhead electrical, if nearby, and include the electrical service meter location.
- Provide load calculations for all existing electrical loads on-site and any new or modified swimming pool and pool equipment to confirm adequate electrical service.
- If the property is overseen by a Homeowners Association, a letter of authorization signed by the HOA Board or President or proof of HOA approval is required.
- A soil report is required.
Permit Required
A building permit is required. A demolition permit may be required, if demolition is included in the scope of work.
Permit fees (including inspections): $2,000 to $4,000, based on a construction valuation (cost of labor and materials) of $50,000 to $130,000.
Typical Time to Receive Permit: 2 to 3 months
- Submit your building permit application online.
- After your submission (during prescreen), City staff will contact you with the fee amount owed based on your project scope. Staff will provide instructions for online fee payment.
- City staff will verify your application is complete. If there is incomplete or incorrect information, City Staff will provide comments or corrections in 2 weeks.
- You will need to reply to all City comments and include any additional information as part of your resubmittal online.
- Once you resubmit, the City has 2 weeks to verify you have addressed all of the City comments. During each subsequent review, the City has 2 weeks to provide any corrections.
- Once your permit is complete and code compliant, the City will issue the building permit to your licensed contractor.
- As the new pool is installed or modifications/repairs to the pool are underway, your contractor will schedule City inspections online.
- Once construction is complete and the final on-site inspection is completed by the City Building Inspector, the permit will be finaled.
Location Requirements
- Per City Code Section 36.12.55, all swimming pools must be located at least five (5) feet from any property line. Any pool equipment must be at least three (3) feet from any property line.
- If the location of the swimming pool is near windows or glass doors, the applicant must verify compliance with CRC R308.4.5 glazing and wet surfaces requirements.
- If there is a utility easement on the site (such as for PG&E power poles), the swimming pool location must be installed in accordance with the public utility easement. A swimming pool cannot be located within an easement area without approval by the owner of the easement (e.g. utility company).
- Overhead electrical conductors/wires located over the swimming pool and within 10 feet horizontally of the pool must be a minimum of 22.5 feet above the maximum water level and 14.5 feet above any diving platform (CEC table 680.9(A)).
Safety Requirements
- In order to prevent drowning, safety features are required to be installed to restrict unauthorized access to the pool from the house and from the public sidewalk. All private swimming pools must be equipped with at least two of the following safety features to limit access from both the house and from the public sidewalk:
- An enclosure that isolates the swimming pool or spa from the private single-family home and meets the following requirements:
- Gates must open away from the swimming pool with open devices placed no lower than 60 inches above the ground; gates must be self-closing and self-latching.
- Enclosure must be a minimum of 60 inches in height.
- A vertical clearance from the ground to the bottom of the enclosure must be 2 inches maximum.
- If there are any gaps or voids in the enclosure, the gap cannot allow a sphere equal or greater than 4 inches in diameter to pass through.
- The enclosure must not have any protrusions, cavities or other characteristics that would serve as handholds or footholds.
- Removable mesh fencing that meets American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Specifications F2286 standards in conjunction with a self-closing and self-latching gate that can accommodate a key lockable device.
- An approved safety pool cover that meets all the requirements of the ASTM Specifications F1346-91.
- Exit alarms on the private single-family home’s doors that provide direct access to the swimming pool. The exit alarm may either be an alarm noise or a verbal warning, such as a repeating notification that “the door to the pool is open."
- A self-closing, self-latching device with a release mechanism placed no lower than 54 inches above the floor on the private single-family home’s doors that provide direct access to the swimming pool.
- An alarm that, when placed in a swimming pool, will sound upon detection of accidental or unauthorized entrance into the water. The alarm must meet all the requirements for ASTM Specifications F2208. Note: Swimming pool alarms do not include swimming protection alarm devices designed for individual use, such as an alarm attached to a child that sounds when the child exceeds a certain distance or becomes submerged in water.
- An enclosure that isolates the swimming pool or spa from the private single-family home and meets the following requirements:
Electrical Requirements
- If an upgrade to the electrical service panel is required to accommodate the swimming pool, per the City Code Section 8.51(C) a minimum 200 amp service disconnect is required for a single-family home or a minimum 125 amp service disconnect is required for a duplex per City Code Section 8.51(D).
- Underground wiring must show compliance with the CEC 680.11. Also, minimum cover depths must be comply with table CEC 300.5.
- Junction boxes must be a minimum vertical distance of 8 inches above the water or not less than 4 inches above the pool deck, whichever provides the greater elevation. Junction boxes must be a minimum horizontal distance of 4 feet from the inside wall of the pool (unless separated by a solid wall, fence, or other permanent barrier) (CEC 680.24(A)(2)(a)/(b)).
- At least one GFCI receptacle must be located between 6 feet and 20 feet from the inside wall of the pool. The receptacle must be a maximum of 6 feet 6 inches in height above the floor, platform, or grade level serving the pool (CEC 680.22(A)(1)/(3)/(4)).
- Must verify compliance with PG&E's Green Book requirements.
Equipment Requirements
- Noise generated by the pool equipment must be in conformance with City Code Section 21.26. Noise cannot exceed 50 dBA during the hours of 10:00 pm to 7:00 am and 55 dBA during 7:00 am to 10:00 pm measured at any location on a residential property.
- All fixed metal parts, including underwater lighting, fittings, electrical equipment, piping, awning, fences, doors, windows frames, etc. within 5 feet on the inside of the pool wall must be bonded (CEC 680.26(B)(7)).
- Where none of the bonded parts is in direct connection with the pool water, the pool water must be in direct contact with an approved corrosion-resistant conductive surface that exposes a minimum of 9 square inches of surface area to the pool water at all times. The conductive surface must be located where it is not exposed to physical damage or dislodgment during usual pool activities and it must be bonded as noted above (CEC 680.26(C)).
- The perimeter surface to be bonded must extend for 3 feet horizontally beyond the inside walls of the pool and must include unpaved surfaces and other types of paving (CEC 680.26(B)(2)).
- All suction outlets must be equipped with anti-entrapment grates, as specified in the ANSI/APSP-16 (CBC 3109-115928 & 115928.5, and CRC Appendix V).
- Lighting fixtures/outlets within 5 feet horizontally of the pool must be installed at a height of not less than 12 feet above the maximum water level of the pool. Lighting fixtures installed between 5 feet and 10 feet from the pool and less than 5 feet in height must be GFCI protected (CEC 680.22(B)(1)&(B)(4)).
- All pool equipment must follow the manufacturer's installation instructions and shall be available on the job site at the time of inspection (CRC R106.1.2).
Ensure your permit application is complete on your first submission. Discuss your project with a member of our Staff to get your questions answered.