How to Complete Your Task

Step-by-step guide on how to complete a task on your project.

What is a "task"?

A "task" is a request to complete a step in the permit review process on your project in ePermitsMV. Each "task  screen" outlines an action or information needed from you to progress your permit application. Tasks serve as the main communication method between you and your City project coordinator (or "staff member"). An email is sent to the applicant on the permit application when a task is awaiting action. Timely responses to each task is crucial to avoid delays in your project review or potential close-out of your project due to inactivity. 

Complete Your Task

Task Screens Vary

Throughout your project, you'll receive multiple tasks, each with its own instructions. The task pop-up screen shown below is one example of the type of screen instructions you'll encounter as an applicant. The common tasks include: Prescreen Corrections, Initial Payment, Review and Respond, and Final Payment. 

 Complete Your Task

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